czwartek, 9 grudnia 2010

Final Hour

the wind blows away all the sadness here
every remaining piece of it dies
the gate to the New Light opens slowly
showing New Hope that remains untouched
but now through chaos we're struggling
but now through madness we're falling
through chaos we go
and through madness we go

all fear we know
all pain we feel
this is the hour that remains still
the final hour
the last moment
of suffering horror and great loneliness

all the emotions are ending right now
all the emotions must end right now
in this final hour
in this final time all nightmares are here
and all people die

the wind blows away all the sadness here
every remaining piece of it dies
the gate to the New Light opens slowly
showing New Hope that remains untouched

First glimpse

1. Electronic music

Electronic music is (at a present moment) the most suitable kind of music to the world we are living in. It is the highest form of sound, created from the machines and computer programs, which makes it the sound-reflection of both our times and our future. As the reality grows towards virtual one, the language of real world is becoming electric. Electricity surrounds us almost everywhere in almost every possible form. Therefore music created from electric sounds from devices such as computer reflects world around us in the most clear, vivid way.

Brain synapses are working and thoughts are travelling through our heads also because of electricity. Thoughts are pure electric impulses. It is work of future to connect everyday electricity with man's electricty and through that to create the higher form of man(machine) connected to every parts and elements of the world and be the one with it. This man will have also the higher (highest) form of multi-counsciousness, that will be able to operate with thoughts (electric impulses) not only in real reality but in virtual reality as well. That is to say, man's multi-counsciousness will work (operate) on higher level, and eventually will find immortality in surrounding us electricity.

Electronic music is revealing that way, which tries to find the best connection with listener's brain and open it for higher purposes. Electronic music is the reflection of the Absolute which is hiding in everlasting and ever-existing electricity, that operates inside of us from the beginning of process of thinking and even before. Electronic music describes worlds (both real and virtual) in clear way being in the same time path to another point of view and reflection of future.

However, it mustn't be forgotten that both realities have it's dangerous sides too. That is power, which is able to destroy every human being if it's not used in correct way. If electricity and electric brains, that is artificial brains that works only from electricity such as robots ones, will be faster than we on path to higher points of evolution then our existence will be put into great danger. It also can not be used by one man only for his own individual purposes but by the collective mind, which will become then only way of existence of it after connecting in electricity. Therefore electronic music is not only fulfilled with hopes but also with fears, sadness and great feeling of emptiness of outer space, which is horrifying and filled with hope by itself. Electronic music reveals every side of upcoming future, whether it is good or bad for us.

2. ManMachine (God is Electricity)

Whole life started with electric impulse. It is scientifficely proved that the beginnig of life, creation of the very first living cell happened thanks to everlasting force of electricity, which existed in Universe before any life, perhaps even from the same moment in which Universe had been created. Therefore, we can consider electricity as form of godlike force or even god itself. It is said that man had been created to look as his maker. However not the surface but interior is what stands for similarity. Electricity is present in our bodies, and as it was said in previous part, is ultima ratio of what makes us humans, that is thinking creature with power of imagination created for higher purposes. Thanks to electricity the process of thinking is taking place.

It should be another task for humanity to find origins of whole electricity and Universe. People are now not interest much in cosmic space and all race to space that had place in 1960s is now almost forgotten past for most of world's population. But with growing self-cousnciosness of present time and growing number of human beings space will be the only alternative for us to exist in.

It is good fact, which mobilizes humanity to quicker searching of another planets and life forms in outer space. Thanks to that humanity will be able to find not only place for living but also it should attain a critical moment for human race to find the borders, limits and origins of the universe. To find the source of pure energy which creates everything and by that become the absolute being. Humans as creatures made from electric impulse, that in future will transform themselves into the higher (highest) collective mind-energy of electricity, will be able to answer to eternal questions of life (thanks to our own or Universal/Absolute energy) and to connect and become one with the Absolute.